TwentyEight Health

Abortion Pills available up to 10 weeks for $245

Costs can vary. For a full and personalized estimate,
  • TwentyEighth Health offers medication abortion through the mail by an online questionnaire, scheduled free call, or directly messaging a provider. The $245 fee includes the consult, medication abortion protocol, ibuprofen to reduce pain from cramping and ondansetron to help reduce nausea symptoms as well as access to confidential messaging with a doctor throughout the process. Kit is shipped discreetly in 3-5 business days.

    What states will TwentyEight Health mail pills to?

    California and New York

     Professional memberships

    This provider is not a member of Abortion Care Network or National Abortion Federation

    These organizations have criteria that providers must meet annually to maintain membership.
  • Estimated 3 days for delivery.