Requesting changes for Chicago Abortion Fund
Find the section(s) that need updating, click update, and add the correct information. When you're done updating the section(s), scroll to the bottom of the form, enter your email (this is required in case we need to follow up) and click the Submit Change Request button.
Organization Name
Chicago Abortion Fund
Eligibility Requirements for Clients
Chicago Abortion Fund is committed to providing financial, logistical, and emotional support to 100% of callers seeking abortion care in Chicago, in Illinois, and across the Midwest.
The helpline is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. Voicemail messages will be returned within 2 business days depending on how close your appointment is. If your appointment is within 24 hours, and the helpline is closed, please reach out to the clinic you are going to and ask about funding options.
States or Regions Covered
Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Arkansas
What Services Does This Org Offer?
Insurance education
Helpline Phone Number
(312) 663-0338
Url For Intake Form
Organization Website
Organization Belongs To These Groups
Organization Donation URL
Is the Organization Currently Accepting Volunteers?
Organization Volunteer Application URL
0 edits suggested
0 removals
0 additions
0 text changes
What's your email?
This will only be used to follow up if we have questions