What do abortion pills cost online?

Posted July 17, 2024

What's the price for abortion pills by mail?

The average cost for abortion pills online is $150, but many providers offer sliding scale pricing for people who can't afford it. Abuzz and Aid Access, for example, offer a sliding scale that starts at $150, but can go as low as $0.

If you're in a state where abortion has been restricted or banned, community networks like Las Libres and AccessMA mail abortion pills (sometimes called Plan C) for free, though these services may come with legal risk.

In states where abortion pills by mail are permitted, Abortion Freedom Fund offers financial assistance.

If you have private insurance, it's possible it may cover a medication abortion via a provider like Hey Jane.

You deserve to get the best abortion for you, be that by mail or in a clinic. Whatever type of abortion is right for you, there are people ready to help. You can find them and all of your options using I Need An A's search đź’ś