Release notes #1 - Release Notes!
Posted March 11, 2024Today, we’re excited to announce we’re launching a feature on… it’s a place to announce things! We have two goals with this new section of the website -
Goal #1
The first is for it to be a place to update you, our supporters and partners, on the updates we make to the abortion seeker experience as we make them. Since 2022, we’ve scaled up our team and released a *ton* of new features, but they can be easy to miss given how we design the website to be a guided, personalized experience for abortion seekers.
Some examples of recently released features:
- 🧮 We released a total cost calculator in 2023 that helps abortion seekers figure out their exact costs to travel to a specific clinic. This calculator is now embedded on every clinic listing.
- 🔎 In October 2023, we added more filters to our main search and advanced search so users can see clinics that are open on certain days or are known to have appointment availability

- ✈️ In February 2024, we added flight destination cards to our search results to help people that are further away from clinics understand where they may be able travel to.

Goal #2
It’ll also be a place where we begin to publish content that may be helpful for people to access outside of the full user flow and/or helpful for search engine optimization. Imagine posts about frequently asked questions like “How much will my abortion cost?” and “How do I know if my self-managed abortion worked or not?”
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Have feedback? Suggestions? Let us know at 💜