How Do I Know if the Abortion Pills Worked?
Posted March 12, 2025This article was developed in partnership with Reprocare for informational purposes. It is not medical or legal advice. We believe everyone has the right to accurate and stigma-free information so they can make the best decision for themselves 💜

Abortion medications are extremely effective in ending a pregnancy when following the correct protocol, and many people do this successfully every day. If you had bleeding and passed any clots, it’s very likely the abortion was successful. But, let’s dive in deeper into what to expect and the timeline so you feel confident and prepared!

Pregnancy symptoms like nausea, breast tenderness, tiredness or fatigue should go away.
Pregnancy symptoms disappearing are a good way to tell that the pills worked. Nausea and fatigue should go away within a few days, and breast tenderness can take longer, maybe up 1-2 weeks. Not “feeling pregnant” anymore is a sign that the abortion was successful.
You see the pregnancy in your pad or in the toilet.
Less than 8 weeks since the last menstrual period:
Some people report seeing white tissue of the pregnancy sac, but most people don’t see anything because it is so tiny. Passing any clots is a good sign!
Between 8 and 10 weeks:
People may be able to spot the pregnancy or sac (though it’s still less than an inch long) if they choose to look.
After 10 weeks:
The pregnancy or sac will look different from other clots.
It’s also ok to not look for a pregnancy/sac or inspect the pad or toilet. The experience can look and feel different.
If you’re over 12 weeks pregnant, you can learn more about what to expect here.
Have more questions about how many weeks you are and what you might see? Reach out to Reprocare (833) 226-7821 or M+A Hotline (833) 246-2632 and talk to a counselor or clinician!
You can take a urine pregnancy test 4 weeks after the abortion.
Pregnancy tests have gotten really great at detecting HCG (the pregnancy hormone) earlier, which can be frustrating when you are no longer pregnant but the test is still detecting the small amount of hormones still in your body. It’s possible to test positive on a pregnancy test up to 6 weeks after a successful abortion.
We encourage everyone to take a home pregnancy test 4-6 weeks after taking the abortion pills.
Trust your body.
We know it can be hard, but you really can trust your body! We’ve been made to feel like we can’t trust our bodies and can only rely on a medical professional to confirm.
It’s also normal to want confirmation! Want to ask a doctor or nurse?
Call the M+A Hotline at (833) 246-2632

What are other ways to make sure the pills worked?
You could get an ultrasound. Waiting 1-2 weeks can give the uterus time to empty and avoid an unnecessary procedure.
You could also get two quantitative beta hCG tests (blood tests) at least 48 hours apart, and if the hCG levels go down between the two tests that means you are no longer pregnant.
And has a database of providers in heavily restricted states where you can get ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, post abortion care and miscarriage management without fear of judgment or threats.
Find ultrasound providers near you
If you need an ultrasound and are in a state with abortion restrictions, here are some trusted providers that can help you.

Other common questions
I’m worried about an “incomplete” abortion.
The support team at Reprocare hear this concern a lot– it is normal to continue passing blood and tissue in the days and weeks after a successful abortion. An incomplete abortion is when too much blood and tissue remains in the uterus days to weeks after taking the misoprostol, and it has noticeable symptoms.
These symptoms include heavy bleeding for hours that doesn’t slow down, fever above 100.4, and/or severe pelvic pain that can’t be relieved by painkillers like ibuprofen more than 2 days after the abortion process. This is rare, but someone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical care.
If you want more guidance, reach out to one or both of these hotlines:
Call, text, or Signal message Reprocare at (833) 226-7821
Call or text the Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline at (833) 246-2632 to talk to a clinician.
I’m actually pretty sure the pills didn’t work, what do I do?
There is a small possibility the abortion pills didn’t work at all. If someone did not bleed or pass clots, or had only light spotting, another dose of misoprostol can be taken.
If the abortion was unsuccessful, you can try again by repeating the abortion medication protocol or get an in-clinic procedure.
What if I’m over 12 weeks pregnant?
For people who are over 12 weeks and using abortion pills, we have an article about what to expect. Someone at this stage will know the process was successful because they passed a fetus and the placenta.
What are normal symptoms during an abortion?
- Heavy bleeding
- Passing small or large clots or some gray or white tissue
- Cramps or abdominal pain
- Back pressure or pain
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Diarrhea
How long will I bleed for?
Usually after taking the misoprostol, people have the heaviest bleeding and passing of clots and pass the pregnancy within 12-24 hours.
It’s normal to continue bleeding or passing clots in the days and weeks after, sometimes bleeding continues up to the next menstrual period (4-6 weeks later).
As long as the following complications aren’t happening, you’re ok.
Potential complications more than 24 hours after taking the pills:
- Having very heavy bleeding and soaking through more than 2 overnight maxi pads per hour for 2 hours in a row
- Severe pain that isn't better with over the counter pain medications (like tylenol or ibuprofen).
- Running a fever of 101°F or greater and/or a really foul smelling discharge. These (in addition to pain) are signs of infection and should be treated immediately.

Learn what to expect if you go to the ER after an abortion or miscarriage.
It’s normal to feel stressed about this but these resources are here to support you! You aren’t alone <3
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